EVC®, the EMV Integrated Dynamic Security Code Technology. Extending EMV Protection to E-Commerce

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We are grateful to Ellipse for providing training on the topic "The EMV Integrated Dynamic Security Code Technology" for our staff. This training has enhanced our knowledge and skills in how to use this innovative technology to protect our customers' data and transactions. We appreciate Ellipse's expertise and support in helping us deliver better service for our customers.

Huawei Storage Product Portfolio Update and Cyber Ransomware Protection

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We thank Huawei for providing training to our staff on "Huawei Storage Product Portfolio Update and Cyber Ransomware Protection". The training was very informative and useful for our team, as we learned about the latest product and solution updates, valuable insights, and knowledge on the value of the Huawei eDME solution to our customers. We appreciate Huawei's support and expertise in helping us deliver better services to our clients.

Bridging the Gap: From Tech Expertise to Future-Ready Skills

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We think sharing is an important method to learn and improve ourselves while also contributing to the growth of our society. That is the reason why First Cambodia is excited to share our experience with SETEC students on two primary topics: "Microprocessor 4 Gen and AI GPU Modernization" and "Integration of physical and digital channels in the banking transformation landscape."