How Innovation is Transforming Cross-border Payments and Remittances: Opportunities and Challenges for Cambodia

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Cross-border payments and remittances are transactions that involve sending money from one country to another. They are essential for international trade, foreign investment, migration, and development. However, cross-border payments and remittances face many challenges, such as high costs, low speed, limited access, and regulatory barriers. To overcome these challenges, new technologies and innovations are emerging, such as digital platforms, mobile money, and biometrics. These solutions aim to make cross-border payments and remittances faster, cheaper, more convenient, and more inclusive.

The Role of Digital Payments in Financial Inclusion in Cambodia

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We are living in a digital era, where technology is transforming every aspect of our lives, including how we pay for goods and services. Digital payments are not only convenient and secure but also enable financial inclusion, economic growth, and social development for millions of people across the world. As one of the key initiatives of The ASEAN Bankers Association (ABA) - a regional organization that represents the interests of the banking sector in Southeast Asia - is to catalyze the digital payments transformation in ASEAN, which is expected to bring significant benefits to consumers, businesses, and the economy. In ASEAN, digital payments are expected to grow by 6% annually and reach USD 2 trillion by 2030, according to a recent report by NIKKEI Asia.